Meets the highest standards – namely our own

Lecithin for food products

Our LeciFis products are used in many different applications. Regardless of their application, from baked goods, chocolate and confectionery to dairy and instant products, they have the highest quality and are extensively certified.

Fismer Lecithin offers special lecithins from soya beans, sunflower and rapeseed, as well as in powder, liquid or compound form, depending upon the intended use and desired certification.

And should you have very individual requirements, our in-house team of experts will always develop “customer tailor-made” products specifically for your needs.

LeciFis Products

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Product name ConCentration Consistency
LeciFis TFM IPM min. 56% AU fluid
LeciFis SUN TFM IPM min. 56% AU fluid


Product name Concentration Consistency
LeciFis FB 50 min. 50% Lecithin fluid
LeciFis FB 70 min. 70% Lecithin fluid
LeciFis FB 50 SUN IPM min. 50% Lecithin fluid
LeciFis FB 70 SUN IPM min. 70% Lecithin fluid
LeciFis FB 50 SUN ORG min. 50% Lecithin fluid


Product name Concentration Consistency
LeciFis EXP IPM min. 97% Lecithin powder
LeciFis EXG IPM min. 97% Lecithin granules
LeciFis SUN HP IPM min. 97% Lecithin powder
LeciFis RAP HP IPM min. 95% Lecithin powder


Product name
Concentration Consistency
LeciFis QF min. 60% AU fluid
LeciFis TFC IPM min. 60% AU fluid
LeciFis TFC ORGANIC min. 60% AU fluid
LeciFis SUN TF IPM min. 60% AU fluid
LeciFis SUN TF ORGANIC min. 60% AU fluid
LeciFis RAP TF IPM min. 60% AU fluid
LeciFis RAP TF ORGANIC min. 60% AU fluid


Product name Concentration Consistency
LeciFis PCF 30 IPM min. 30% PC
LeciFis PCF 50 IPM min. 50% PC wax


Produktname Konzentration Konsistenz
NeuroPeak 20 F min. 50% Lecithin fluid
NeuroPeak 20 P min. 50% Lecithin powder
NeuroPeak 30 P min. 50% Lecithin powder
NeuroPeak 50 P min. 50% Lecithin powder
NeuroPeak 70 P min. 45% Lecithin powder
NeuroPeak 20 P SUN min. 35% Lecithin powder
NeuroPeak 70 P SUN min. 50% Lecithin powder
NeuroPeak 20 F SUN min. 50% Lecithin fluid



Product name Concentration Consistency
LeciFis CM 50 IPM min. 50% Lecithin powder
LeciFis CG 50 IPM min. 50% Lecithin powder
LeciFis CW 50 IPM min. 50% Lecithin powder
LeciFis SUN SW 50 IPM min. 50% Lecithin powder
LeciFis SUN CG 45 min. 45% Lecithin powder
LeciFis RAP RW 35 IPM min. 35% Lecithin powder
LeciFis RAP RW 50 IPM min. 50% Lecithin powder


  • AU Anteil Aceton – Unlösliches
  • PS Phosphatidylserin
  • PC Phosphatidylcholin
  • IPM Identity Preserved Monitoring —> non-GMO
  • QF Quality Fluid
  • TFC Top Fluid Controlled
  • TF Top Fluid
  • TFM Top Fluid Modified
  • FB Fluid Blend
  • EXP Excellent Powder
  • EXG Excellent Granules
  • QP Qualified Powder
  • HP High Level Powder
  • CM Compound, Carrier Whey (Soya Lecithin)
  • CG Compound, Carrier Glucose (Soya Lecithin)
  • CW Compound, Carrier Wheatflour (Soya Lecithin)
  • SW Sunflower Lecithin Compound, carrier Wheatflour
  • RW Rapeseed/Canola Lecithin Compound, carrier Wheatflour
  • PCF Phosphatidylcholine Fluid/Powder